
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WIAW& Toby's Gluttonous Saturdays

Toby w. his cheat day list

So for WIAW this week I wanted to introduce you all to what my husband Toby eats on Saturdays. Toby has been reading the book Four Hour Body. In the book that says if you eat super healthy all week you can eat whatever you want one day a week. If you do this, you will crave those "bad foods" less because you know you can eat them one day a week. Also since you are working out and eating healthy all week, your body will spike your metabolism with the high amount of calories.. bla bla bla. I don't want to bore you, nor quote this guy. Nor do I know if this even works but, really this day entertains me and Toby loves it. We got about 5-7 inches of snow on Saturday in Rhode Island so our food sources were limited. Toby and I planned to go to a restaurant called Fat Bellies ( yeah great name) so he could get a Philly cheese steak sandwich, but the snow filled roads stopped us in our tracks. No really, we made it to the highway and turned around.

Toby actually set his alarm this Saturday at 8am so he could get up early and not miss out on any eating time. So long quinoa. Adios 99% fat free turkey. This man is ready for sugar and fat. His day started off with this.

One medium Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee Extra, Cream Extra Sugar( his one coffee a week)
2 mini bagels with butter
One waffle and ice cream sandwich
Bacon....lots of bacon

Three Pieces of pepperoni pizza
French fries

Cheddar Sun Chips
A Harry & David Chocolate Bar
Dr Pepper & Rum ( Hey it's Saturday)

A huge plate of nachos!
Another Dr Pepper & Rum

Well that was it. Does this diet plan work? Who knows? He lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. Doesn't sound like it is hindering at least. Bottom line is that it works for him so that's good enough for me. Bad thing for me... I eat alot on Saturdays too.. Take a look at the pizza I ate..

OMG. Chicago style deep dish with spinach & Mushrooms


  1. OMG! That pizza looks amazing! I'm very interested in that theory, today is actually the first day of my diet and eating all you want one day a week sounds promising! :)

  2. lol! I think that is the point of the diet. Like, no need to cheat during the week because you have this one day to eat whatever you want. Your stomach has probably shrunk at that point so you wouldn't eat as much bad food as you would expect. It is pretty interesting. I am curious to see how his next weigh in goes! lol
