
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Curried Cauliflower Soup

22 days down 8 days to go! My kickboxing challenge is going really well. The only few times have that have been tough is when we go out with our friends. Everyone is drinking, but me. Not even one. Other than that, the clean eating has been great. I will be able to update you all on what my final stats were, but I am hoping to lose some fat and gain some muscle!That leads me to this amazing recipe! Cauliflower is so amazing to help you eat something delicious, but still be eating healthy!It is high in fiber, vitamin C and potassium.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Quinoa Pizza Bites

I WANT PIZZA. I should not eat pizza. This is my moral dilemma. My friends and I have been talking about pizza and beer for the last 17 days and it kills me every time. Yes, of course I can have a slice, but my willpower is telling me to stay strong for the contest!So, I found a new treat that is satisfying and "pizzaesque." Quinoa Pizza Bites!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Lightened Up! Cheesy Enchiladas

Cheesy Enchilada Goodness

Happy Monday everyone! I am in week two of my kickboxing challenge. I have to say, it is getting much easier to make healthy choices. The more you say no to cookies and chips the easier it is to stick to the plan. Did I mention I have had NO ALCOHOL for 15 days. Friday I really wanted a glass of red wine to unwind from the week. But I had club soda and lime instead! ( See.. good choices!) It has been pretty simple to track calories on my fitbit and work out 4-5 times a week. Good news is I have lost another two pounds. Random thought: It is MUCH easier to gain two pounds than to lose two pounds! 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

More DIYing: Make Ikea Furniture Beautiful with O'verlays

My Masterpiece
More DIYing from a self proclaimed worst DIYer. More success! In addition to the stenciling, I now have a completely new piece of furniture in my bedroom. Let's be honest- Ikeafurniture isn't the most aesthetically pleasing. But hey, it's cheap and you can easily transform it into something so amazing!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 1:Citrus Chicken Skewers

Week one is of the challenge is officially over! Three weeks to go!Week one had some highs and lows. I passed by numerous french fries, chicken fingers and even said no to tacos. TACOS! Yes, I am serious. Every day at lunch my husband and I would take walks along our manufacturing floor to get some steps in and I even ignored the daily movie style popcorn my company has every day. EVERY DAY. The smell was intoxicating, but I soldiered on! I said no to alcohol twice when my friends were drinking, but don't worry I watched longingly as they sipped their red wine.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Making Changes in 2014.. Will you?

I cannot wait to tell you all about what I have been doing for the last week! For those of you who don't know, I love kickboxing ( what up I love because it pushes me to do WAY more in a workout than I ever would and frankly, it  makes me feel badass.For January they challenged us to make 2 changes to our diets ( adding more water, veggies, giving up sweets etc.) When I saw this challenge I had to jump on it. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Stenciling Through the Snow

Hello everyone! Here is something you don't see everyday. Me not talking about food. I gaze longingly at DIY projects on Pinterest, yet never do any because I know I do not have a DIY bone in my body. I will usually start a project and ten minutes in get annoyed it doesn't look like it should and give up. But that all changes now!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Waldorf Kale Salad

Happy New Year Everyone!This dish is full of flavor so you won't miss out on anything. That is one of my biggest pet peeves. Healthy food that tastes bland and gross. It is so easy to make healthy food a staple in your diet if you make it taste delicious and fool your brain into thinking. " Wow! This is delicious." Well, look no further. This salad is it.